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Book Recommendation: Last of the Breed, by Louis L'Amour

Last of the Breed , by Louis L'Amour is a fantastic piece of adventure fiction. And, a book that's centered around foraging and survival advice. The story follows Joe Mack, a U.S. Air Force pilot and Native American. Mack has been shot down by the Soviets, and is trapped inside Siberia wilderness, forced to rely on his survival skills as he slowly makes his way to freedom. Foraging, plant identification, and tracking all play key roles in the story. With author L'Amour sharing practical survival advice. He considered himself. From boyhood he had at every opportunity gone back to the woods. He had lived and survived under some of the bitterest conditions. He had killed or gathered his own food; he knew how to make clothing; he had often made moccasins, something not every Indian knew how to do anymore. Joe Mack banked his small fire and bedded down in a mound of leaves with fir boughs over him. It was cold and it was drafty, but Joe Mack had lived so before this. The story i
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Foraging In Action: The American Civil War

Many preppers dismiss foraging as a waste of time. They'll say things like "You can't live off nuts and berries." Or claim that stockpiling canned goods is more efficient. Keeping an emergency supply of non-perishable food is great. But foraging is practical too. And anyone who thinks foraging is "useless" or a "waste of time" needs a quick lesson in military history. Foraging In The American Civil War Canned food was invented by Napoleon to feed his armies as they marched through Europe. Before then, soldiers got most of their food through foraging. And even after  Napoleon, a lot of armies still relied on foraging. During the American Civil War, both Union and Confederate soldiers foraged for food. While troops were issued rations, supply lines were inconsistent. And many goods never arrived to the front lines. Because of this, soldiers would often hunt for eggs, pick fruit and berries, and shoot rabbits or ducks. Knowing how to forage allowed t

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Solar Tech That Doesn't Suck

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Ragnar Benson's "Rule Of Threes"

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7 Edible Tree Leaves For Survival Foraging

Most foragers look for fruits and berries they can eat. But, there are also edible tree leaves which can keep you alive in a worst-case scenario. These take no preparation, and can provide you with enough nutrition to stay alive. Here are seven common tree leaves that you eat. 1. Maple Leaves Maple leaves have a distinct five-lobed shape, making them easy to spot. You can pick maple leaves off the tree itself.  But remember to leave plenty of leaves behind, so you don't damage the tree or stunt its growth. Maple leaves taste bitter. So, you'll want to boil them for at least five minutes. This helps to improve the taste. Additionally, maple leaves make an excellent addition to salads. And some foragers like to eat their maple leaves with a little powdered sugar or syrup. Adding some sweetness to the leaves will make them taste significantly better. 2. Birch Leaves Foraging for birch leaves and eating them is an age-old tradition in many parts of the world. It's something tha

3 Easy To Grow Perennial Vegetables For Your Survival Garden

Plant once, harvest forever. That's the gardener's dream. Especially if you're growing vegetables to eat. In this article, I'll share three easy to grow perennial vegetables that you can grow. These are low maintenance, low effort crops - perfect for a backyard garden. If you're a homesteader, prepper, or just someone who wants high-quality and fresh vegetables - you're going to love these three plants. 1. Globe Artichoke Globe artichokes are a perennial vegetable that keep coming back, year after year.  Artichokes are flavorful, nutrient-rich, and filling. Globe artichokes are also fairly easy to grow. A spot in full sun with plenty of room for the plant is ideal. Also, because these artichokes get big, you'll want to leave plenty of space between each one. Globe artichokes will begin to produce edible buds within two to three years. So you aren't getting an immediate food source with these. But, you can plan ahead and have a regular supply of fresh art